Pirates and Traders 2 v0.194 is now rolling out via Google Play.
This update adds character portraits to the game, based on the art of the awesome Callie MacSaylor. More than 1000 pieces of art have gone into creating the various combinations of character appearance and clothing that is now in the game. Needless to say, this update also increases the size of the app. This has actually been one of the issues I’ve struggled with, finding a good balance between high-resolution art and size of the app; hopefully the current version will be a good compromise.
If you load an existing savegame, the game will automatically generate appearances for your player character and all NPCs in the game (note that your own appearance can be edited later, from the status view). The generated appearances may not always be perfectly in line with the character’s vocation, though hopefully OK. New games that are started should have the characters generated with more appropriate looks to their station.
Among some of the smaller changes done, the Android support libraries have been updated. This has the unfortunate side-effect that the minimum version of Android that the game can be played on is version 4.0. For security reasons, I believe that it is important to keep in sync with Google’s latest updates to their libraries, and hopefully this does not adversely affect any active players. If you do experience any big issue as a result of this, do let me know.
This is a big and complex update, so as always with such, there is a chance that things can go wrong. If you encounter any issues, please contact me on FB, G+ or mail.
Thanks for your patience.