Progress Report – October

I am glad to see that some of you have enjoyed “Imperium Mini”. It is interesting – and a little bit scary – to release something like that into the wild. Even though I only mentioned it a few places (a couple of forums and of course in the mail I sent to the people on these forums), it is interesting to see how quickly one loses control of how information is spread on the internet. I thought I had made it very clear that the game was an early development version, but it wasn’t long before I noticed a couple of comments from people who simply failed to understand that. This release has surprised me in more than one way.

I hope most of you have noticed by now that there is a new version (0.1.1) available. I’ve actually fixed a couple of more issues since then, but since it is strictly minor stuff, I’ll wait until I have some time to do a more featureful update (or there is a need to fix some more significant bugs). I have a fair number of ideas for features that I’d like to add/fix, but they’ll have to wait until I find time between work, taking care of junior, and working on Imperium. If you have any wishes or ideas you’d like to see, feel free to post on the forums.

The Imperium project itself: well, it is progressing, as always. This past two weeks I’ve been working with the siege engine and its GUI, as well as more work on the general AI. For now, all the work is concerned with polishing these elements and working out the remaining kinks in the game engine. The target at the moment is to get the basic game playable by the end of the year – in fact, as soon as possible.