Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /var/www/micabytes.com/public_html/wiki/pirates2/languages/LanguageConverter.php on line 773
Difference between revisions of "Changelog" - Pirates and Traders 2

Difference between revisions of "Changelog"

From Pirates and Traders 2

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=== Version 0.143 ===
=== Version 0.143 ===
* Ships now consume powder when firing cannons. Ships without powder cannot fire their cannons.
* Ships now consume powder when firing cannons. Ships without powder cannot fire their cannons.
* Tweaked combat algorithms and AI.
* Fixed a bug that caused story errors when loading stories with "special events".
* Fixed a bug that caused story errors when loading stories with "special events".
* Fixed a bug that caused "zombie ships" in combat.
* Fixed a bug that caused "zombie ships" in combat.

Revision as of 23:17, 30 July 2016

Version 0.143

  • Ships now consume powder when firing cannons. Ships without powder cannot fire their cannons.
  • Tweaked combat algorithms and AI.
  • Fixed a bug that caused story errors when loading stories with "special events".
  • Fixed a bug that caused "zombie ships" in combat.
  • Fixed a bug in the native trading script that caused crash to map if the player had exactly 1 or 2 weapons.

Version 0.142

  • Fixed long press (transfer all) in the ship status view.
  • Doubled deadline lengths for merchant deliveries.
  • Doubled the pay deadline from 3 months to 6 months.
  • Fixed bug in the new native delivery story.

Version 0.141

  • Fixed bug that caused landlubbers to be recruited first.
  • Fixed recruiting so that it now hopefully properly distributes crew to other ships, once the flag ship is at full capacity.
  • Fixed a bug where merchant delivery failure would fail to find item if the player has changed their flag ship.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Panama to turn up as a merchant delivery target.

Version 0.140

  • Added the possibility to scuttle (i.e., abandon) ships.
  • Added new story: natives.

Version 0.139

  • Bug fix to prevent ships from being stuck in the middle of the ocean.

Version 0.138

  • Bug fix to prevent single ships from registering as having always insufficient crew.

Version 0.137

  • Added functionality that prevents sailing with overloaded and under-crewed ships.
  • Updated Android libraries and Target SDK.

Version 0.136

  • Bug fixes.

Version 0.135

  • Bug fixes.

Version 0.134

  • Should now correctly recruit the best crew members first.
  • Crew can now correctly improve in skill.
  • Fixed a variety of smaller crash bugs.

Version 0.133

  • You can now send your crew out to R&R in port, at a small price.
  • Fixed bug with missing pronouns in text.
  • Fixed issue of some ships being called "Error"
  • Fixed a variety of small crash bugs.

Version 0.132

  • You can now dismiss crew members.
  • Fixed a bug with the handling of diverts in choices (jInk).
  • Found and fixed a bug that bombed the skill levels of the player crew. Also prevented crew from being removed.
  • Crew are now sorted by skill level in the ship view.

Version 0.131

  • Fixed a bug in the loading of ship items, that has been causing problems.
  • Handled an issue with the use of the new ToolTips.

Version 0.130

  • Fixed bugs with the savegame handling.

Version 0.129

  • Fixed an oversight (read: really dumb bug) in the previous patch.

Version 0.128

  • Fixed a bug with the handling of the character selection dialog.

Version 0.127

  • Fixed some crash bugs with ToolTipView.

Version 0.126

  • Fixed a crash bug when creating a new game.
  • Replaces the old WeakReference based image cache with an LruCache-based implementation.
  • Replaced RoundedImageView with CircleImageView.

Version 0.125

  • Rebuilt the savegame module.
  • Fixed some more save bugs.
  • Tweaked the fleet morale algorithms.

Version 0.124

  • Fixed some more save bugs.

Version 0.123

  • Fixed some trade goods not loading correctly and a crash bug.
  • Tweaked the fleet morale algorithms.

Version 0.122

  • Fixed cloud save issues for names with non-standard ASCII characters.

Version 0.121

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from returning to the main view after a won ship battle.

Version 0.120

  • Fixed a bug that caused a force-close when creating new games.

Version 0.119

  • Fixed a crash bug when the player is forced to end the game.

Version 0.118

  • Rebuilt the savegame system. The files are now structured differently, and gzipped to save space. Savegames are now also loaded and saved using a streaming API.
 * Using the streaming API hopefully makes up for the performance loss with compression. More importantly, it has a lower memory footprint, which will hopefully mean less out of memory errors for people with lower-end phones.
 * Compression means that savegame will take up a lot less space, and use less traffic for cloud saves.
  • Rebuilt the internal handling of game states. Should not affect gameplay, but makes the UI code a bit cleaner.
  • Reconfigured the player personality traits. A couple of them have changed names, and the effects are slightly different.
  • Reconfigured the player skill system. Higher level skills now take more experience points to reach.
  • Lots of minor bug fixes, as usual.

Version 0.117

  • Added tutorial texts for the main game view, and for the port trader view.
  • Improved the UI for the port trader, so that it now also includes the baseline price.
  • Fixed some bugs in pricing algoritm for goods, so that it now varies correctly based on the merchant in the port, and the player's skill.
  • Fixed a bug related to the pricing with surplus and demand. These should now correctly reflect the port event.
  • Also tweaked various parameters in the trade good pricing and amounts.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from adding ships to their fleet. However, a different bug means that these cannot be added yet.
  • Fixed the text for storm events, so that it now reflects the choice taken.
  • Should hopefully no longer get merchant missions to Panama.
  • Increased the gap between options, to ease pressing the right choice.
  • Lots of minor bug fixes.

Version 0.116

  • Fixed a savegame bug that was causing savegames to grow rapidly over time.

Version 0.115

  • Fixed a stability issue introduced in v0.114.

Version 0.114

  • Fixed an issue that prevented story event icons (surplus/demand) from being visible on the main map view.
  • Added the fishing boat encounter back into the game. More sea travel encounters will follow.
  • Ship items sold to the shipwright in port should now be correctly available for purchase.
  • Transferral of cannons between ships (as well as purchase of such items in port) should now work correctly.
  • Ship crew transferral view should now work correctly (i.e., it should be possible to select ships when you have more than two).

Version 0.113

  • Fixed a major bug in the way crimes and rank points are calculated.
  • The world status view now provides a visual indication of the number of rank points that have been accumulated.
  • The character status view now shows your personal wealth.
  • Fixed the end game sequence so that you do not lose access to your ship when defeated (which was causing crashes).
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 0.112

  • Bug fix to allow the loading algorithm to recover from savegame corruption.

Version 0.111

  • Bug fix to prevent a savegame corruption issue.

Version 0.110

  • Fixed the world status, so that it now correctly shows rank and other status symbols next to the nation flag.

Version 0.109

  • Fixed a bug (caused by Jackson) that crashed the game when loading on Android 2.3.
  • Implemented correct save and loading during ship combat.
  • Fixed a serious number of minor bugs that were causing crashes.

Version 0.108

  • Finished the event code responsible for handling delivery missions, etc. The first merchant deliveries are now added (back) into the game.
  • Fixed an awful bug that was causing stationary events to move across the map.

Version 0.107

  • Rewritten savegame code for Jackson streaming API (lower memory overhead to reduce out of memory errors).

Version 0.106

  • Fixed a bug that caused the player's wealth to be set to 0, if they tried "Buy All" on a bunch of items they could not afford.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed storms to generate rumors.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause non-fatal errors when creating new petty officers.

Version 0.105

  • Fixed a bug in the script for creating a new player character (bug if the player selected the "realist" trait).
  • Fixed another concurrency issue that could cause a crash in the map view.
  • Fixed a few additional rare crash bugs.
  • Fixed an interface bug when creating characters.

Version 0.104

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing players from receiving their letter of marque when purchasing it.
  • Fixed the save method for stories so that buggy data does not result in a game crash.
  • Fixed story viewing so that the player can (usually) continue with the game, even if the story script crashes due to script errors.

Version 0.103

  • Fixed a bug in the story scripting fix of v 0.102.

Version 0.102

  • Fixed some story scripting issues.

Version 0.101

  • Fixed concurrency issue that could cause a crash in the map view (i.e., while scrolling the map).

Version 0.100

  • First public release of Pirates and Traders 2.